
Solving Problems with Standards

February, 2021

This NISO Plus session presented insights into three distinct projects, each of which involves the development or refinement of standards to address the needs of a diverse community of users. 

Giving a presentation on NISO recommended practices for video and audio metadata, you’ll hear from Violaine Iglesias, CEO and co-founder of Cadmore Media, Barbara Chen, an independent consultant to the information industry, and Bill Kasdorf, principal of Kasdorf and Associates.  

“When Cadmore was just getting started, one question that arose quickly was around the metadata. So we needed to know what metadata standard we should recommend to our publisher clients and also to the technology partners that we were working with, like the publishing platforms or the discovery services. So we quickly found out that nobody really knew what method or standard to use in the context of scholarly publishing.  

So we went to NISO for advice. NISO said, it would be great if somebody started a group to find out what metadata standard should be used in these contexts. So the rest is history.” – Violaine Iglesiass, CEO and Co-Founder, Cadmore Media