
Video in Scholarly Communications: Issue #8

February 16, 2022

The big news around Cadmore this month is that we were able to announce our partnership with the American Medical Association (AMA) to build and host a video broadcasting tool focused on improving infection prevention and control education (something I think we all have a renewed appreciation for!). The AMA team has been brilliant to work with and we’re excited by the possibilities of incorporating live video embeds onto multiple channels at once. View full article

Meet the team

Chris Sumners, Senior Software Engineer

February 16, 2022

What about your professional background made you a good fit for Cadmore?
In a word, versatility. I started from a design background, then moved into software development, which gives me the ability to not just design something but then take what I design and make a fully functioning product from it. During my professional career, I have worked with a wide array of industries. Each industry required a different approach. So I feel what makes me a good fit for Cadmore, is my versatility; from design and UI development to complex data processing solutions.
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Cadmore Platform Updates

February 16, 2022

It’s been another busy few months for the Cadmore team! On the events front, we continue to make improvements for our clients and their attendees. View full article